Reducing rubbish has many positive benefits and it’s an achievable way for us all to tackle some big issues.

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    When you use fewer processed products, you reduce demand for palm oil, which is a major cause of rainforest destruction and loss of endangered species.
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    Why do we use a material that has a lifespan of thousands of years for disposable products? The cling film in which you wrap your sandwich is useful for a couple of hours but then will last for generations. When we ‘throw it away’ it doesn’t go away – some of it is buried in landfills and lots ends up in the oceans where it is a major pollutant.
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    Using fewer single-use plastics creates a more sustainable future for all of us by reducing the quantity of raw materials consumed. 
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    Good quality reusable products are often cheaper than packaged, processed and disposable goods.
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    Shopping in an environmentally conscious way supports smaller New Zealand businesses which means you get to know people and become a valued customer not just a number.
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    Small companies are finding innovative ways to make reusable products, but need revenue in order to keep doing so.